Jesse did mention that some of them might be unfinished, and uncooked for the game, but creators will have complete access to everything that the developers have created and placed within Unreal Engine at this point. Players will be able to access all the assets that have been used in the game, or considered in the game. The developers feel this is a huge deal, because they aren’t gating off any assets from the community. Jesse even went on to say during our interview that “You could switch out all of the content throughout the game if you wanted to, and create a whole new survival adventure game that uses Ark’s framework but has a completely different subject matter, completely different creatures, and a totally different story if you wanted to.” This dev kit will feature complete tools to allow players to completely mix-up, create, and even completely change the way that the game work.
During a special interview we learned that Studio Wildcard is partnering with Epic Games to bring their complete dev kit, which uses Unreal Engine 4, to fans of the game. But, this dev kit is more than just a mod kit according to Jesse Rapczak, the studio’s co-founder. With the official announcement dropping later today, Studio Wildcard is excited to announce their upcoming Dev Kit for Ark: Survival Evolved.